Search Results
First auction for subsoil use right held in Kazakhstan - Kazakh TV
Kazakhstan to hold auction for subsoil use - Kazakh TV
1.5 bln tenge raised at open auction for subsoil use - Kazakh TV
The new Code on Subsoil and Subsoil Use is under discussion in Kazakhstan
Central Asia’s first auction of renewable energy sources will be held on May 23 in Kazakhstan
Rare Kazakhstan Protest Denounces Land Auction Plans
8. 2. Regulation of Subsoil Use: Current Trends and Administrative Barriers, 19 June 2014
Investing in Subsoil Resources: Legal Aspects, 17 May 2012
Development of Russian Subsoil Use Legislation
Webinar: "Investment Opportunities of Kazakhstan in the New Economic Conditions"
Ep. 2 - Doing Green Business in Kazakhstan
MINEX Russia 2011, George Yalovik, Subsoil Use Department of the Republic of Buryatia